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Week 9 Progress

This week the team worked very hard to pushed out the alpha code and present all the features and mechanics we have in our game as clearly as possible towards our audiences. In addition, we encountered some problems with our game aesthetics from the previous weeks. Therefore, at the beginning of this week, the team worked together to try to solve that problem first regarding our game's identity and uniqueness.

My task at the beginning of this week was to fix the visuals and some mechanics of our game to make our game unique and different towards other existing games. The first change was the appearance of the sword. We wanted to create something unique but also fit with the mood and theme of our game. The second change was to the "friend" of the player that shoots out magic. We removed the "friend" from our overall game. Instead, we put the magic and magic animations on our character. This design decision is made mainly to change the aesthetics of our game but also to fit with our story more. My main tasks for the alpha code this week was to code the combo systems, add in the heavy attack, and implement different types of enemies in our level. Now the player is able to perform a heavy attack when pressing right click. In addition, the player can charge up his heavy attack the longer he holds the right click before letting go. In addition, I also implemented the combo system where the player can left click and right click right afterward to speed up the heavy attack. Furthermore, the range enemy is added to the game. The range enemy will track the player's position if it is close enough and rotate to face towards the player. In addition, the range enemy will fire projectiles towards the player according to the fire rate. In addition, after all the prefabs and assets are created, I began putting the enemies around the map according to the level design.

A major problem I encountered this week was the problem generated by the targeting system and the enemy AI movement. The problem should be fixed in the upcoming week. Therefore, I will continue to work towards solving this problem.


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