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Week 8 Progress

During this week, the team focused on pushing towards the second play-test and finish all the main feature as soon as possible to give ourselves enough time to do playtesting. Therefore, this week contain quite a bit of work for the level designer and programmer. The team's character modeller and animators completed all the models for the characters and the enemies in our game as well as their basic animations. In addition, for the second play-test, the team decided to present the third level of the game when the player is able to experience all the features and the mechanics that the game contained.

My job this week as a programmer is to implement all the things my teammates made into Unity and code the game. This week, I implemented the orb which we call it the "friend" of the character that follows the player. In addition, the player can use a magic attack from the orb if the player has enough mana resource. The magic attack also works when the player targets an enemy. The magic will fly towards the direction of the enemy that is being targeted. The mana feature is also implemented. The player gains mana when she attacks an enemy. Furthermore, an essence feature is also added to the game. The player gains essence every time the player defeats the enemy. The player can then use the essence to heal herself. Another important feature that was added this week is the AI system for the enemy. The enemy walks around the map depending on the waypoint that I assigned to the enemy. The number of waypoints can also be determined in game. In addition, the waypoints are assigned by creating an empty gameobject in the game world and assign it to the enemy. When the player gets to a certain distance with the enemy, the enemy will follow the player. In addition, the enemy attacks the player depending on the random number that is generated. The problems with the targeting system from last week are fixed during this week's progress. The camera determines the closest distance enemy towards the player and targets that enemy when the player presses the key.

A problem I encountered this week is the essence feature. The initial essence feature idea is to drop an essence on the ground when the enemy dies. When the player walk passes the essence, the player will pick up the essence. However, with the amount of time I had this week, I was only able to make the essence added to the player's UI when the enemy dies. For the upcoming week, I will continue to work on this feature and finish the remaining process.


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