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Week 3 Progress

During week 3, the team shifted the focus towards the game design document. This is because we want our game design document to be as specific as possible towards the reader. Our first game proposal was not detailed enough. Although the teaching team got an understanding of our approach and ideas, it was not documented in the initial game proposal. In addition, some team members were able to further work on the modelling and the rigging of the main character but there have been problems with the rigging of the main character due to the complex shapes of the model.

My individual task assigned this week was to work on the programming / coding of the main character's attack states and patterns for the bullet hell. Unfortunately, due to loads of course assignments and game design document, I was not able to start on the assigned tasks this week. However, I will continue to work on the tasks the up-coming week. In addition, my individual work this week focused mainly on the write-up of the game design document and the presentation slides. I was in charge of turning most bullet points ideas into sentences for clearer and detailed communication towards our readers. We also discussed how we are going to tell the story and what kind of story at each stage of the game. The narrative story was a big concern during the first game proposal as our game focuses more on the narrative story but we did not communicate it well towards our audiences. Therefore, in our game design document, we focused a lot more on getting our ideas out clearly to our readers.

A problem I faced this week was time management. I did not manage my time well this week to give myself more time to work on my individual programming tasks. However, I have found a solution to set up my schedule to work more efficiently for the upcoming weeks. I hope to complete my programming tasks on time to show my other teammates for feedbacks.


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